Ms. Lin Yang: President of YL Group and founder of Yang Lin Fitness Club.PLATINUM JUBILEE AWARD Owner
President of the Canadian Cultural and Sports Exchange Association and Lululemon ambassador.
Canadian New Era TV, as well as the host and head coach of fitness programs on many domestic TV stations.
China National Aerobics Level 1 Referee and Coach.
He is a
纳斯塔西娅是一位专业的芭蕾舞演员。 在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚古典芭蕾舞团和多伦多维多利亚芭蕾舞团就职,是芭蕾舞胡桃夹子、天鹅湖的主演。
She is a recipient of the Artiste de Ballet diploma and has been teaching ballet for 10 years now alongside her dance career. She has trained at Victoria Ballet Academy in Canada, Boston Ballet in the United States, as well as the Vaganova Ballet Academy in Russia. She held the title of company dancer in Columbia Classical Ballet company in South Carolina and is now with Victoria Ballet Company in Toronto.
Professional dancesport athletes.
Vaganova Method的芭蕾舞演员、舞蹈指导、诗人和芭蕾舞教师
Alena老师的编舞和表演在2018年的Lights Dance Festival上获得了Audience Choice Award
2000年月至今 新奥胜跆拳道俱乐部并担任总馆长。
擅长芭蕾舞、古典舞、中国民族舞、民间舞、现代舞 、瑜伽
Ballet Instructor -
Camp Councellor Kids Island After School Program - Pittsfield, ME -2009 - 2010 EDUCATION Toronto Film School - Toronto, ON 2016 - 2017 Karpov Ballet Academy - Richmond Hill, ON 2011 - 2013 Canada's National Ballet School - Toronto, ON 2013 Victoria International Ballet Academy - Vaughan, ON 2004 - 2008
Director and Dance Instructor -
Classical and Contemporary Ballet. Character Dance, Hip-Hop, Bollywood, Belly Dance, Brazilian Samba, Jazz. Artiste de Ballet Diploma (June 2011) Zumba B1 Instructor License (Dec. 2015) BA York University (March 2016)
东方舞舞导师 -
从小学习舞蹈,2008年肚皮舞刚刚在国内兴起时开始研究肚皮舞,于2011年去深圳华泰名爵郭伟肚皮舞艺术学院系统的学习东方舞蹈orental, 2012年8月正式毕业。2013年6月参加深圳国际肚皮舞节,和多位国外知名大师交流学习,提高自己。2013年8月参加俄罗斯alla老师的集训课程,参加2013长春市春晚舞蹈节目录制,曾受邀长春城市速递节目进行采访与表演。 2014年参加北京肚皮舞节和乌克兰大师yana的集训。2015年去上海埃派舞艺学习阶段二东方舞课程,课程包含创意舞动编舞,东方舞乐理节奏知识和艾扬格初级瑜伽等。2016年去上海学习阶段一课程。 2017年-2018年四月跟随艾扬格瑜伽认证教师尚金龙老师学习艾扬格瑜伽,并参加密集一课程。 有自己的教学方案和理论体系,非常重视进修更新教学内容,专研不断提高自己,教学严谨又不失风趣。东方舞擅长现代埃及风格,传统埃及东方舞,美式风格,融合风格。
Ballet Instructor -
As a contemporary dancer, a holder of Contemporary dance degree, and a believer of the importance of movement, students will also be encouraged to use dance, movement and expression. I have performed in many countries like Thailand, Tunisia, Europe and North America. I also worked with different international and local choreographers. This gives me the opportunity to use different methods of teaching and apply them to Ballet skills and to versatile age groups. My approach set
Fitness Instructor -
Mr. Jonathan mah wasn't always a fitness enthusiast. Just like most people, he was a 'regular' guy who only goes to the gym once or twice a year even though he had a gym membership for years. Since 2006, Jonathan not only loss the 40Ibs but he has also became a dedicated certified fitness instructor and a life coach. Jonathan has trained hundreds of students and he runs a very successful fitness class at the markham YMCA with over a hundred students in every class. He has
Jazz-funk,Heels,Urban ,Kpop
广东外语艺术学院音乐表演专业毕业,舞蹈老师 ,教龄6年!带过演出团队,当过模特经纪人,曾获得中国教育家协会全国舞蹈大赛青年组冠军,曾与多位明星同台演出!当明星伴舞(任达华,黄凯芹,毕福剑.....喜欢到全世界的舞房进修舞蹈!
- 由International Dance Teaching Standards (IDTS)授予舞蹈教师资格证书
- 2016年曾受韩国著名舞蹈工作室1 Million 舞室的邀请,参演其在多伦多的舞蹈showcase
- 第二届CCTV “星光青少年” 舞蹈才艺大赛多伦多赛区舞蹈组决赛入围
- 曾通过舞蹈才艺特长通过多个大型娱乐经纪公司海选,并获取签约资格
- 带领YL舞团参加 Toronto International Youth Dance Festival 以街舞舞种获高银奖
- 五年舞蹈教师经验,十三年以上舞龄,擅长舞种包括传统街舞,爵士,韩舞,及拉丁舞
Paris Fred Astaire World Championships 4th place
Blackpool Latin Semi-Finalist
England International Semi-Finalist
Canadian Latin Champion
North American Latin Champion
Appeared on many TV shows, commercials, and music videos including Degrassi, Canada: The Story of Us, and Collision Course
Under 21 Blackpool Semi Finalist
Under 21 International Semi finalist
Paris World Championships Fred Astaire Cup Finalist
Former Canadian Champion
Annie Cassar has graced the stage with companies including Divine Heritage Artistry, Cadence Progressive Contemporary Ballet, Tropicana Queens, The Parahumans, The Little Pear Garden Collective, Xing Dance Theatre and BNF Entertainment from Dubai. She has enjoyed performing in The Nutcracker; the Pan Am Games; Dance Ontario Weekend; the 6th Annual Hum Awards, plus numerous others and at venues such as The Princess of Wales, The Roger’s
Dance teacher dance many different styles including ballet, hip-hop, tap, contemporary, jazz and lyrical
Cori Kasha was just your ordinary 3 year old gymnast who later became interested in dance once she turned 5. After 10 years of exams, extensive dance training, performances and competitions, Cori Kasha was ready to take her dancing to the next level. Unlike the usual Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Acrobatics, and Contemporary, she discovered her path through her Hip Hop culture and never looked back! Her passion led her right into becoming an instructor who travelled all over Ontario.
Dane is a professional dancer that danced for Alicia Keys, Melanie Durrant among many more, “Urban Aids Concert Benefit”, was a Featured Dancer in Roca-Fest Concert ,
10th Year Pro-Am Anniversary (Toronto)
11th Year Pro-Am Anniversary (Montreal)
Wyclef Jean (U of T) University Of Toronto
Performed with Lenny Kravitz
Have done big corporate events for Bell, Rogers, Tiff
Mayhem’s Finest/6ixSquad dancers for the Toronto Raptors
Christine has travelled around the world representing Canada at world-renowned competitions, attended high level training camps, and trained with some of the biggest names in the latin dance industry. She continues to train in several styles such as Latin American, heels, and contemporary dance forms. Christine has secured many great titles/achievements being the Canadian and North American champion and being a semi-finalist at world renowned competitions such as The Blackpool Dance Festiva
achel has been teaching ballet to ages 3-16 years old for about 4 years now. She teaching both virtually and in-studio.
She dancing since the age of four starting at Victoria International Ballet Academy and later transferred to Karpov Ballet Academy.Overall, she has 14 years of dance experience, which includes ballet, character dance, contemporary,
Alejandro Chica is a passionate and versatile young artist.
His passion goes beyond movement, as he extends his knowledge
by further understanding the history and the foundational elements
of different styles of dance, leading his craft to be that much more meaningful.
现就读于York University
Born and raised in Mexico, Nubia's love for dance began at the age of four; since then, she has only continued to evolve more and more in this fine art. She trained intensively for fourteen years in the disciplines of ballet and jazz. Her passion led her to participate in major competitions at an international level. In 2017, she won 3rd place in the ballet category at the International Ballet & Contemporary Dance Competition “Domenico Modugno” in Lecce, Italy.
Shay Nicole is a Toronto-Born dance artist and 2019 graduate with a BFA in Dance Choreography from York University. She has over 15 years of dance training in forms including Jazz, Ballet, Musical Theatre, Modern, Contemporary, and Improvisation and Conditioning. Shay has had the privilege to learn from established names such as Hanna Kiel, David Norsworthy, Tracey Norman, and Julia Sasso. After training at York University, Shay’s performance experience expanded into the Toronto dance community,
professional ballroom and latin dancer representing Italy for 7 years and now representing Ukraine in world competitions.
• 3 time ukrainian vice champions (10 dance)
•many times finalist of Italian championship (10 dance)
• finalist of many international competitions in : Italy, Slovenia, Canada, Belgium, Ukraine , Czech Republic, France.
• 7th place in WOLRD SPORT GAMES
14 years experience teaching children. Many of which have gone to compete in hight lavel competiti
professional ballroom and latin dancer representing Italy for 7 years and now representing Ukraine in world competitions.
• 3 time ukrainian vice champions (10 dance)
•many times finalist of Italian championship (10 dance)
• finalist of many international competitions in : Italy, Slovenia, Canada, Belgium, Ukraine , Czech Republic, France.
• 7th place in WOLRD SPORT GAMES
14 years experience teaching children. Many of which have gone to compete in hight lavel competiti
2016 under 21 ten dance canadian champion. Latin and standard amature finalist for past 5 years. Represented canada in 2 world championships. New partnership since 2018.
Anna danced with numerous Toronto based companies like Ballet Jorgen Canada, Hit and Run Dance Productions, ZATA OMM, The Concierge Club. She was a soloist at Cadence Contemporary Ballet , Guest Artist at The National Ballet of Canada "Lost in Venice" event. Anna danced with a former Principal Dancer of American Ballet Theatre Sascha Radetsky as a lead dance double in "A Nutcracker Christmas" movie.
Anna has been teaching ballet for over 13 years. She graduated at Canada’s National Ballet School in 2016. In 2017 she completed York University with a Bfa in dance with a focus in dance pedagogy. Since then, Anna had the opportunity to teach ballet classes to students of all ages (young children-adult), classical repertoire, conditioning and pointe classes. Anna enjoys expanding her knowledge and is currently studying chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Lindsay Fang -十三年以上舞龄,十年舞台经验,擅长拉丁舞,爵士,kpop
-与YL舞团参加Toronto International Dance Festival以街舞舞种获高银奖
Zumba Instructor
Organized the Zumba Z-Dance Marathon 2018
Zin Instructor since 2015
Put up Z-Dance Team
Hip-Hop Instructor-
Vivian is a dancer who trained in Ballet for 13 years until she realized her passion for Hip-Hop. She joined the YL team as a student where she was able to develop her skills and have many opportunities to perform. Vivian has also worked with young children and teens on many occasions, volunteering to teach them dance.
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有十余年舞蹈教育及编导经验,主要擅长中国舞(古典舞、民族、民间舞)现代舞、爵士舞。成人形体训练和中国舞授课能力最为突出,同时有着多年舞台表演经历。tion about this item
* Yoga Alliance RYT200认证瑜伽瑜伽老师
* 北美普拉提联盟PMA Reformer认证普拉提教练
* 北美普拉提联盟PMA Mat认证老师
* 哈他正位瑜伽
* 阴瑜伽
* 流瑜伽
* 塑型瑜伽
* 体态调整私教
1) 🩰PBT Certified Teacher, qualified from beginner to junior, senior and advanced full levels.
2) 北舞中国舞考级老师
3) Rolia舞蹈团多年资深编导及教练
4) 交通大学艺术团团长、编导及教练
5) 多伦多高校春晚导演、艺术总监
6) 多伦多青少年冰上春晚导演、艺术指导
- 擅长基础和中级瑜伽体式及呼吸控制
- 能够为学员量身定制练习方案,确保安全与有效性
- 熟悉冥想与放松技巧,帮助学员平衡身心
- 优秀的沟通能力,擅长引导学员专注自我觉察与成长
国际认证的RYT 200小时瑜伽教练
瑜伽教练认证(RYT200小时) 练习瑜伽六年,在许多健身俱乐部练习并积累了一定的经验,在涛瑜伽学校详细学习了顺位瑜伽,能通过自己的体会帮助学员在正确和安全的情况下提高自己身体的柔韧性,力量和对身体控制能力,根据学员的需求和身体状况制定适合的课程
全北美RYT200 注冊老師,空中瑜珈老師,地面普拉提老師。擁有十多年的空中瑜珈經驗,在加拿大任教空中瑜珈多年。她會把地面瑜珈和普拉提的精髓帶入空中瑜珈當中,從而達到理療,塑身和放鬆的效果
Training per Yoga Alliance 200-hour Standard program Aligned Flow.
More than 10 years of professional fitness training experience.
Five years of physical, mental and spiritual learning experience
—Be good at combining the natural breathing method of yoga with professional yoga postures to achieve different levels of practice experience.
—Be able to design personalized professional courses suitable for practice according to different age levels and physical conditions.
—Guide students to gradually c